Week 11 Blog: Teams

I've had both positive and negative experiences working on teams. The positive aspect being that I love when people express their creative ideas and come together to make something amazing. Working on a team and brainstorming is the best thing ever, especially when individuals think outside the box.

The negative aspects of working on a team are when people don't pull their own weight, follow through on their part, or don't contribute to the point where you have to do all the work yourself. In this case, I prefer to work on a project alone. On the bright side, at least I have full control of making it into my vision at that point? 

Overall, working on a team is beneficial only when everyone is passionate about the same idea. 


  1. I totally agree that there can be pros and cons to working in teams. It is a total bummer when you are doing most of the work for a group. When this happens to me, I try and turn it into a positive and use it as a chance to showcase my skills. My favorite part of working in teams is hearing everyone in the groups ideas and opinions. It is the best when someone comes up with something wacky.


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