Week 12 Blog: My Major - Digital Design

I decided on my major after having a long career in the animal field for 10 years (dog training, zookeeping, aquariums, etc.). During this period, I briefly entered into customer service while getting my degree in Psychology - to better pay for my schooling and cost of living. 

After graduating that winter semester, Covid happened. At that point, I decided I no longer wanted to pursue and continue the animal field professionally. It honestly just wasn't sustainable pay wise long-term, compassion fatigue was at an all time high, and because it is such a saturated & competitive field - the way animal workers were treated was always as disposable. 

I had actually originally wanted to pursue being an artist back when I was in highschool, already coming from a drawing and painting background. During that time, Graphic/Motion Design was called "Computer Art" but I was already pretty decent at it. I planned to go to SCAD but my dad had discouraged me from that path, telling me I didn't want to be a "Starving artist" and stupidly I listened (he only clarified recently that he didn't mean art with technology 😤). I am somewhat grateful that it took me longer, as tech has vastly improved and now Graphic Design is only a small spectrum of all that can be done in the design field.

So fast forward 10 years. I'm back at it and much happier. My changed major put me behind again but I'm graduating in Spring 2024. I'm developing a passion for 2D and 3D Motion Design but am open to doing multiple career paths in the field - and at a living wage.



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