Week 3 Blog


  • What drew you to take a class on creativity?
I'll have to be upfront and honest here - it was a requirement of the school. That being said, I appreciate that it is a class I need to take. I often run into creative blocks and need more tools lately to open up my mind to creative ideas. I think overall, it was a credit that is needed because I decided to go into design - specifically digital design. If I boil it down to the sole reason, creating makes me feel alive and it brings out the best in me. I feel like art is one of the few positive and beautiful things that humans contribute to this world and if it is left behind when we are all gone - I can't say that we were a total loss.  

  • What do you do to inspire your creativity?
I like to do various things. My classmate and I were recently talking about how we don't like it when we are given too broad of an assignment to come up with anything. We need it narrowed down to a theme or subject, so we came up with a word or subject generator online to spit out a word to give us an idea for a design or creative project. Brainstorming is always helpful or journaling by answering questions. I especially find group projects with designers to be an extremely beneficial experience. There is nothing better than bouncing ideas off one another. Music, movies, and books also help give ideas to taking after certain themes. Lastly, if I have to be fully transparent - psychedelics on the rare occasion have and do produce multiple ideas and creativity for a lot of artists and musicians. Not claiming anything here - just throwing that out there! This is college after all.


As for the images that inspire me, please see below. I got the first question journal off Amazon and the 2nd at Target (I'm sure it can be found off amazon too). They both ask questions and I'm horrible at keeping up with them everyday haha but it is nice to look back on the 5 year one. The painting is something I got at a local art festival here. The woman's husband was the main artist but her and her little girls occasionally did side projects with pour overs. I thought this particular piece of her adding painted touches was very unique and it ended up being one of my favorite pieces of art. 


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