Week 14 Blog: Inspiration in Colorado


  1. Share something that you love about Colorado that inspires your creativity.

I think I have to be cliché when I say that I love the outdoors here - it's the best thing about Colorado. However, my favorite part of visiting mountain towns is the art galleries and stores. Better yet, I love when there are seasonal art festivals that all the local artists gather and come together to in order to sell their creative pieces.
When you look at different works, it is always inspiring because you see new creative ideas and how they are accomplished, whether it be paintings, photography, jewelry, sculpture, etc.


  1. Hi Allison! I also love being outdoors! I am actually in the mountains right now as we speak! Do you snowboard or ski when you go to the mountains?

  2. I too love the outdoors! I have yet to go into a mountain town but that piece of art is awesome

  3. i love the outdoors too, i want to take some classes in the mountains to learn how to ski and explore more of colorado!


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