Week 2 Blog: INDEX winner - designs and inventions


        I chose Flash Forest for my index winner. I like the idea of replanting forests and increasing the biodiversity of trees. I will argue a little known fact however. Oceanic plankton is responsible for more than 70% of our oxygen. Plus, oceans produce more oxygen than all trees combined. It would be nice to have a focus on helping preserve this in some ways. There is a chain effect in whales being important for the oceans ecosystem in order to produce food for the plankton and vice versa to feed the whales -. That being said, I still don't want to discount this idea - just want to point out that trees are considered a more minimal percentage when it comes to the amount of forest it take to remove carbon dioxide that will amount that fighting climate change.
I think this could be helpful in helping preserve plant and tree biodiversity and restoring forests from wildfires. Pine beetles, well... have to solve that issue as well first to ensure the trees are sustainable. I still think it is a great idea to combine AI to help with nature. I will never argue that we don't need more trees. Maybe they can also consider it with Denver :) 


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