Week 4 Blog


  • In what ways do you see yourself as creative? What roadblocks do you sometimes find yourself coming up against as you nurture your creativity?
    I see myself as creative when it comes to doing art and paying attention to details. I have drawn since I was little, did painting in highschool, and then took a hiatus for a while to pursue another career. I also put down my hobby for this period because I didn't feel talented enough at one point in my life - which is one of my bigger regrets. Being around other artists made me my own worst critic when I was younger and more insecure. Now however, I have re-visted and come back to art after accomplishing my other career - where it took its own course. 
I still will say that other artists and designers give me a run for my money! Haha. The feeling is different now though, as it now inspires me. It is easy to compare myself to others but it does push me to improve my design, and getting feedback and constructive criticism is one of the most important aspects of the design field to improve your skill. Everyone does eventually develop their own unique style. I still occasionally struggle with 2nd guessing my skill and self doubt - but that is usually just the tech side of things now that computers are involved haha. (I'm learning to become more tech savvy). 

  • Write about the things you do to increase your creativity.
    I may have only been required to answer one of these? Oh well. I mentioned this is prior blogs but brainstorming and journaling with journals that ask me questions has been helpful among other things - I would refer to look back on my last blog to see that described in detail.

I came across this picture/quote today and figured I'd post it.


  1. I think it awesome that you came back to art. I also am my own worst critic and often compare my work to others and do not feel very creative. It is great that you now welcome feed back and compare your work to others to gain inspiration. It is obvious to me that you are growing creatively and you will accomplish great things. I hope that you will continue to express yourself through art and don't let any of these roadblocks hold you back. I really like your quote that you posted and find it very true. It is important for people to have fun while creating!


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