Week 6 Blog: A Walk in my Favorite Park.

 Blog Topic for Week 6. Write on a topic and include images that inspire you. You may choose your own topic or use one of the prompts below.

    • Take a walk to a familiar place and try to pay attention to new details. Either photograph, sketch, or write about things you noticed that you haven’t before.
My partner and I went for a walk at our favorite park (Crown Hill park). We go to this park often but it was different this time because of the peak Fall colors and bird sanctuary finally being open. The leaves were fully change, which was a different from the lush green or leafless look we are used to seeing. The ducks were extremely animated/social in the lake with each other, there were more deer in the herd of 3 that we saw last a month ago, and more baby bunnies hopping around than usual. Then it dawned on me, I don't think I had been to this area in peak Fall? This has been the most lush season I have seen in Denver by far. Probably because we got so much rain this summer.

    • Choose an object to explore. Set your timer. After 1 minute, list everything that you notice. After 2 minutes of looking, list additional observations. After 5 minutes of looking, list additional details. How did spending more time looking change your perception and/or understanding of the object?
I spent more time observing the leaves in this aspect. My partner had picked off two leaves from a tree. They had a slowly fading but grainy texture, probably the chlorophyll leaving the plant. There were different shades of yellow in it and maybe a slight orange hue. The veins of the leaf were more prominent than anticipated, and the stem was beginning to shrivel, to prepare the leaf to fall off the tree. The perspective I found looking at the object was the beginning or shortness of a temporary lifespan? Yet death for the leaf was portrayed in such a beautiful way, it seemed to make it more of a positive feeling. There is such beauty in Fall. Also why it's probably my favorite season. Like Christmas, it only happens once a year.


  1. I love going for quick walks to free the mind and especially in the fall.

  2. Walks in a park during fall are my favorite because you get to see trees be very colorful, and you do also get to experience many different things that could possibly not experience any other times during the year.


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