Week 5 Blog: Taking Risks

Describe a time you took a risk. How did you overcome feelings of inadequacy, fear, and/or vulnerability? What did you learn from the experience? This is very long and rambly lol but I think it will be healing to write about it. Last Fall, I took a risk of quitting and leaving my toxic corporate job of 5+ years in order to attend school full-time. I had been trying to garner up the courage for years to leave. Being in my early 30's, I had major trepidation - as this was risky due to my need to have health insurance coverage at this age. Ultimately though, the nature of my job involved handling cases/complaints and was taking a huge toll on my mental health. I finally reached a breaking point after my leadership wouldn't approve PTO for a break I desperately needed. I had wanted to see my family in Atlanta during the holidays (even after explaining that I had not seen them for 2 YEARS due to Covid)...